Home > Paint Booth > EP Red (Cross Draft & Exhaust)
EP Red

The industry's first & finest Two -Layer Polyester Collection Media

E. P. Red’s unique, two-layer construction creates the perfect collection media. Its highly
absorbent white layer captures and retains paint overspray - no collapsing, no early
change-outs. The second stage captures fine particles, preventing paint build-up in exhaust duct and protecting the environment.

Outstanding Performance & Environmental Protection
E. P. Red’s two-layer construction delivers performance you won’t get from other collection media. It is designed for today’s high-volume coating applications where pollution
control is critical.

E. P. Red is halogen-free.

Initial Resistance 0.06" @ 150 fpm - 99.8% Efficiency

Exceeds EPA National Emission Standard 40 CFR Part 63

Spec Sheet EP Red
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